Meet Jenn

Jennifer Lynn (Jenn Walsh)

Jenn Wagner (Walch) is a lightworker. She’s passionate about helping people release stuck emotions and tap into their intuition and awareness beyond the five senses. She is co-creating the New Earth Paradigm and helping others gracefully move through their Akashic Spiritual Awakening and Ascension.

Jenn is helping to create a reality where each person is aware of their Soul Energy: thus their multidimensional selves.

Before her own Soul Retrieval, Jenn was overwhelmed by the magnitude of her psychic gifts and mediumship. The awakening and transition was impacting her relationships and social life. She was talking with, sensing, and channeling non-physical-beings at socially inappropriate times. She was feeling the emotions of others so-deeply it was paralyzing and she needed new ways of managing her energetic boundaries. She was dizzy and walking between worlds, not feeling anchored in her body or on the Earth. She needed support in learning how to manage her super-senses.

Finding the resonance of her unique Soul Energy and retrieving it’s missing parts was integral to keeping her sanity. She can now confidently say she has an understanding of her gifts and can use them to help others.

Helping people remember their own Soul Energy and embody it in human form is now a part of her soul-mission work.

“Through Soul expansion, bodywork and energy healing, I help people tap into their power. As each person heals and loves themselves, fear energy is transmuted. This allows humanity to step into a harmonious life of creation, connection, and free-will.”

During any session, Jenn connects with Source energy, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, and Light Beings of the highest and purest consciousness. She is a bridge to help you shift into higher states of being and experience a deeper connection to your quantum self. 

You have this knowledge within yourself, she will teach you how to access it!


Core Training

  • National Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (BCTMB®)

  • A.A.S. East-West Therapeutic Bodywork - CenterPoint Massage and Shiatsu Therapy School/Clinic

  • Ashiatsu -(Barefoot Massage) Deep Feet Bar Therapy Certified Practitioner

  • Reiki Master – USUI REIKI Method of Natural Healing

  • Whole Presence - Quantum Soul Retrieval Facilitator

  • Whole Presence - Quantum Soul Healing Practitioner Training Teacher

  • Professional member of AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association)

  • B.A. Communications and Journalism - University of Minnesota Duluth

  • Previous career in Journalism and TV-News.

Adjunct Training

  • Craniosacral Therapy 

  • Transcendental Meditation 

  • Cupping

  • Myofascial Release / Structural Integration

  • Subtle Energy Field Wellness 

  • Psychic Gift Development

  • Herbalism, Essential Oils and Crystals

Menstrual Wellness

  • Menstrual Mysticism – Threaded Red

  • Womben Wellness – Usha Anandi