Energy Healing & Bodywork Services

Bodywork and Energy Healing therapies help us to feel good in our skin.

On a physical level, treatments alleviate aches and pains. This self-care can balance the circadian rhythm, hormones and menstrual cycles. It can boost the immune system, improve circulation and help us get back in the body and feeling like ourselves again.  

On the psychological level, these modalities are tools to help you align with your intuition, practice present living, process emotions, and de-clutter the mind.

On a Soul level, we receive guidance from our higher-selves. It is at this level we remember and know that we are LOVE. We begin to transition through life experiences with more grace and ease and experience a connectedness to All-That-Is, in our human forms.

Shamanic (Quantum) Energy Healing

therapeutic east west blend

Feel the synergy of aligned & balanced physical and energetic fields. You’ll be supported to enter into a meditative state and work through any tough feelings or sensations. The outcome can be like a nourishing treatment for your nervous system, your body and your life force essence.

Receive support in discerning your psychic senses or awakening experiences. Integrate your subtle-energy awareness with your human-form so it can be used and enjoyed. It’s time to step into our individual power.

This session will be performed telepathically or with the use of light touch and/or light bodywork.

Jenn’s gifts allow her to work with the grid of your toroidal field. She can see where energy that isn’t serving you is living and help you shift into better balance. You might think of this like repatterining your physical body or your subtle-energy fields, like chakras, auras and meridians.

In this session you may:

  • Connect with your spirit team or guides

  • Connect with passed loved ones

  • Receive guidance, assistance or blessings from your Source or Higher Power, your Soul, Ascended Masters, Arch-Angels, or other supportive Light-beings.

Receive clarity from:

  • A racing or overpowering mind

  • Feeling stuck or an inability to move forward

  • Feeling trapped in a repeating cycle or relationship

  • Emotions- observe and process ANY feeling that isn’t serving you.

*Your session will range from 60-90 minutes and may include talk time before and after the session. Time on the table will vary for each session.

*Because we are working in the Quantum field, time does not exist as we experience it on Earth. We are able to work much more “efficiently.” We will honor what your Soul and your body tells us.

Integrative Bodywork Blend

therapeutic east west blend

Let’s get to the root of the pain.  

Jenn helps you recognize where dis-ease and disharmony is hiding. She’ll teach you how to release, recalibrate, and integrate your new way of being.

You might come in alleviate neck and shoulder pain but in the process of releasing tension from the muscles, you may realize the root stems from an energetic imbalance or an unprocessed emotion or experience. This offers an opportunity to recognize, observe and clear feelings, beliefs, or traumas that aren’t serving you.

This holistic and intuitive bodywork session uses a blend of modalities including:

*Shiatsu (Massage moving energy with meridians and acupuncture points)

*Ashiatsu (Deep tissue massage performed using feet)

*Therapeutic/Trigger Point Therapy (Release specific knots or stagnations in muscle)

*Myofascial Release (Releasing tissue patterns in fascia)

*Swedish (Relaxation Massage)

*Craniosacral (Re-aligning or supporting Central Nervous System tissue)

*Quantum Energy Healing (May include, Shamanic energy systems, Reiki or other subtle-energy forward modalities)

Guided or channeled messages from non-physical beings, like your higher self, spirit guides or passed loved ones may come through based on your intention.

*Single or traditional modality sessions will be honored upon request.


Therapeutic massage and trigger point therapy

That neck and shoulder ache or sudden twinge in your lower back could be from misalignment, repetitive use, or past injuries.

Therapeutic Massage and Trigger Point Therapy can release knots and stagnations and help to bring relief from pain, headaches, and the uncomfortable.  

During this deep tissue session, expect to communicate about the spots that hurt, how intense it feels, if there are any referral pains, and whether you’re feeling any relief.

Soreness is common after this type of work. Drinking an extra glass or two of water will help you heal faster. Epsom salt baths will also help to flush toxins from your body.


Shiatsu is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy. This modality aims to restore balance in your body by influencing Qi or vital energy. Kneading, pressure, and stretching techniques on Meridians and Acupuncture points move energy through your body, benefiting your organs, and the spaces between muscles and skin. Shiatsu helps to nourish the body’s physical and energetic systems so they can better do what they are designed to do.

Treatment can be done over soft, thin clothing. No jeans please. 

What is Reiki or Energy Healing?

reiki sessions

By now, you’ve probably heard of Reiki, Shamanic Journeying, Craniosacral, Healing Touch or other energy healing modalities. Many of these modalities channel pure or high-vibrational energy that can assist in your healing or transformation process. A practitioner uses telepathy, light touch or hovers their hands over your body to balance or assist you in balancing your energy-fields.

Energy Healing helps your physical and energy bodies. It offers an opportunity to shift your energy and connect with your higher self in etheric realms. It encourages a state of equilibrium and helps to release disharmonies like illness, outdated beliefs, paradigms, or traumas. You might experience deep relaxation, tingling sensations, intuitive knowingness, emotional release, or nothing at all. You will always receive the healing you need for your highest good.

Reiki has become more widely known in the mainstream and is a gateway for people to step into the remembrance of working with their energy fields.

*Reiki energy will be channeled during your sessions with Jenn, but you will be receiving much more than Reiki codes. This is because she is attuned to many different healing modalities and techniques.

Energy healing sessions with a practitioner or “healer” will likely be a blend of their unique gifts.

You’re invited to explore! Please use your intuition and resonance when deciding which modality or practitioner is a good fit for you. Remember, you are your own greatest healer. Don’t give your power away!

 Jenn holds space out of two loations in Minneapolis: Sattva and Clear Holistic Therapies.  

Please reach out if you need help navigating the booking process, or would like to schedule an at-home visit.