Soul Retrieval for Empaths in the New Age

A Connection & Expansion of Soul: Why Reunifying 100% of the Soul is Supportive to the Next Era of Human Consciousness

As an empath or highly sensitive person you are deeply affected by energy, the emotions of others and the flows of the Earth and cosmos. By now, you are likely experiencing an Akashic (Soul) Spiritual Awakening. This is different than a traditional religious awakening, and it feels different at your core. You are remembering. You are sensing an urge to step into your Soul mission work, and to make meaningful or impactful change. You are feeling called to step into your authenticity, power and heart center. You’re doing your best to flow, surrender and support yourself on your own healing journey. You’re making connections and teaching others how to find wellness, harmony, and balance.

During this transition, you might feel overwhelmed and unsure which steps to take to move forward. You might also feel like something is missing, or something is coming; something you can’t quite name. To name that missing feeling… or put that missing puzzle piece into place; you need a conscious connection to your Soul.

To be better equipped to flow through this evolution of human consciousness and to share your message and mission, you must first acknowledge, honor, and understand your personal energetic signature. It is imperative as an Empath and HSP that you consciously connect with the energy of your Soul and restore it to wholeness.  I have a process that will empower you to understand and hear your intuition, enhance your psychic gifts, heal past traumas, clear energetic blockages, and strengthen your personal boundaries ultimately offering solutions to live a balanced and fulfilled life.

Whole Presence Quantum Soul Retrieval

Whole Presence Quantum Soul Retrieval (WPQSR) uses traditional shamanic energy principals to recover and reunify lost pieces of the Soul, which can become fragmented due to experiences like trauma or significant emotional events.

When you reunify the missing parts of your Soul energy, you unlock your innate wisdom, intelligence, sovereignty and divinity.

For those who are ready and committed to Spiritual Awakening, this Soul expansion journey is an opportunity for a quantum leap in consciousness, achieved without external medicine. This restoration of the Soul field elicits an energetic wholeness that some describe as feeling complete, embodied, and present with God, Source, The Universe, or All-That-Is.

With a unified Soul field, your intuition is well-defined and easily accessed. You remember how tap into your knowingness beyond the five senses ultimately becoming better equipped to flow with your life experiences. Your ability to discern whether an emotion you are feeling is yours or someone else’s, becomes clear. The highs and lows of life experiences are still felt deeply, but they become more easy to navigate. The division and polarity will still remain, but you will understand your own resonance and how to exist in chaos.

Traditionally during a Soul Retrieval, a Shaman or medicine woman would journey with you and retrieve your Soul energy. Here’s how WPQSR is different. YOU are empowered to retrieve your own Soul energy and reclaim its missing pieces. You are your own spiritual guru, and by consciously connecting with your Soul, you remember how to reclaim your own energy. You might think of me, the facilitator, like an inter-dimensional cosmic tour guide, holding space and traversing with you across Time, Space, and Dimensions.

Why Should I Consciously Connect with my Soul?

The Earth is shifting into higher dimensional planes of existence and because of this, our bodies are transforming to hold higher states of consciousness. You may have heard this called the Ascension Process or a Spiritual Awakening. During this transition, you begin to transmute, clear and move out of outdated patterns. This Spiritual Awakening process is simultaneously blissful and trying, and it’s only going to get more wild.

The tools or keys to handle this shift with grace and ease comes from knowing your Soul energy.

ls this Soul expansion process right for me?

If WPQSR is right for you, you will feel it at a deep level. You might not understand it with the mind, but you will feel the call toward this. Preparing your body and mind for this transformation will be unique to you, but I will support you and hold space to help you get to where you need to be. Please reach out if this resonates with you. I’m here when you are ready.


Reclaim Your Greatest Tool and Make a Quantum Leap in Consciousness: Soul Retrieval (WPQSR)