Reclaim Your Greatest Tool and Make a Quantum Leap in Consciousness: Soul Retrieval (WPQSR)

This is for the trailblazers of new spiritual frontiers. This is for leaders and way-showers and those ushering in the next era of humanity.

Are you feeling the pulse and call of your Soul?

For those who are ready and committed to Spiritual Awakening this Soul expansion journey is an opportunity for a quantum leap in consciousness. It’s achieved by going within and done without ingesting external medicine.

Read this article in an easier to digest format.

Remembering Your Energetic Self: 

The evolutionary shift of human consciousness on Earth is happening now, and it’s only going to get more wild. Just like you, people across the globe are waking up and remembering their multi-dimensional selves. The process of ascension, growth, shedding density and collapsing timelines can be blissful and intense. A conscious connection to your Soul and retrieving it’s fragmented pieces will allow you to move through the Spiritual Awakening process with more grace and ease. 
Whole Presence Quantum Soul Retrieval (Whole Presence QSR) is a guided journey across time, space and dimensions that will unify your Soul into wholeness. The transformation inevitably fortifies your inherent sovereignty, divinity, integrity, intuition, authenticity, and mastery. 
Imagine feeling the synergy of being completely present and embodied- in this moment- with ALL of your energetic self. 

 Keys to Spiritual Awakening:

1.Your connection and knowingness to your Soul energy.
2.Restoring Wholeness to the fragmented Soul. (Whole Presence QSR)
3. Your Soul Embodiment and Presence practice. 

  “Waking Up” to Soul Remembrance:

We are remembering our Soul. We remember that as humans, our Soul is housed in our body. We remember that we are limitless creator beings who chose to incarnate at this time – to experience and play on Earth. We remember that the Soul is the infinite, unlimited, ageless consciousness living out it’s experience in the body; partners with the mind and personality. 
This shift into remembrance is often called Spiritual Awakening or Ascension. Through the process of remembering who we are and what we came here to be, we go through a process of inner-work and growth.  We experience, enjoy, purge, clear, transmute, shed, and release all emotions and vibrational densities that don’t serve us for our highest good. When we’re transforming, it can feel like we’re going crazy and losing our minds. It can feel euphoric and so right in our hearts. It can certainly feel like both at the same time. As we live through this process, we’re walking between worlds. Our bodies are transforming to hold more light. The tools or keys to move through this shift come from knowing your Soul energy and restoring it to unity. 
To understand how Whole Presence QSR will help you, let’s discuss the Soul and learn how it can fragment itself. Let’s also learn more about the parts that make up the human experience. 

 The Soul Versus The Human: 

The Soul is an energy form with a unique energetic signature. It branches from Source/God and can exist as a sovereign energy in various forms and frequencies. Each Soul has a unique resonance or blend of beingness. For humans, the core characteristics of its consciousness can be felt or described by qualities like movement or color. Some Soul energies present as playful or young, some focused and wise. Some souls incarnate with a mission, others are happy to just exist.  
To experience life on earth as a human, the Soul needs a body, a mind, a personality and an ego. The body is made up of matter and has physical systems like the cardiovascular or skeletal system. It also has energetic systems like chakras, prana, qi, meridians or kundalini. Each of these are human traits and exist in the playing field of this planet or realm.   

The Mind, Personality and Ego:

Many people are learning to differentiate the voices of our mind, personality and ego, which are different than Soul energy.  These are tools in human form that give us personal identity. 
Mind: We’re familiar with our mind; the voice of our thoughts, beliefs, attitude, and values. We have a sense of how we analytically solve our own problems or how we move from A to B without much contemplation. 
Personality: We each have personality traits that keep us quirky or cool and help us relate to our peers and society. 
Ego: We are also learning more about the ego; our own self-perception of identity and how our past experiences shape our choices and therefore our future. 

Soul Loss:

Many people are functioning and experiencing a lifetime, without their whole energetic self or their whole Soul. This is due to Soul Loss. 
What many people don’t realize is that fragments or pieces of the Soul can be lost, left behind, given or taken away. You might offer part of your Soul with a children or parent for protection. Pieces of Soul may separate during travel, traumatic events or near death experiences. Other common events that might illicit soul loss are worship, physical or emotional shock, death, and relationship or romantic break-ups.  
Soul loss may also occur in other life forms. The Soul has experienced life in different realities and “bodily” vehicles across time, across space and across dimensions. 

 Reclaiming the Fragmented Soul: Why Unify?

Soul connection and retrieval is an opportunity to expand leaps and bounds in our human healing journey and our consciousness. 
Let’s call a unified soul field: Whole Presence. 
Imagine your Soul field as it is now… like a swiss cheese slice. The holes are areas where Soul energy has been fragmented. (Your Soul field is still perfect and divine even with holes, because each incarnation is a soul experience) BUT! It can be different. In this lifetime, you can reclaim all of your fragmented Soul energy and make your Soul field whole again. It would be like filling in the holes of the swiss cheese to secure it’s integrity. 
With counseling, therapy, or alternative medicine journeys you can heal many wounds, inner-child shadows, generational, ancestral or past life traumas.
Have you ever felt like you keep working to “heal” an area of your life… but you just can’t move through it? There’s a reason. 
At some point there’s a limit to the healing transformation because you can only heal to the degree of the Soul energy that you have in your current Soul field. 
When you re-unify a piece of Soul that was missing, much of the “healing” takes care of itself.  
Let’s use the anology of a computer upgrade: think of the Soul Retrieval like getting an upgrade to your current operating system. The retrieval fixes and updates any kinks, bugs, or sluggish software. You’re left with a smoother, sleeker and cleaner user experience. 
With a unified Soul field, the human ability to discern becomes clearer because you can feel resonance. You’ll be able to tell whether the emotion you are experiencing is your own, or someone else’s. You’ll be able to tune out the noise, or engage with it, if you want. Your relationship to the Earth, weather and environments shift and you have a clearer understanding of how to balance your human systems in different places and spaces. 
You’ll still need to maintain your wellness and balance, but you’ll be doing so with an updated system. 

Is Whole Presence QSR Right For Me?

Many people have a feeling this is right for them, but they don’t know why or don’t understand how it could be done. The logical mind takes over and can’t fathom. In comes the fear… “What if I can’t connect with my Soul or do this?” The short answer:  That fear creeping in is exactly why this is probably right for you. The Soul remembers. It will know what to do. You will be supported during this process. You’re not supposed to remember how to do this YET. 
Another analogy: With a fragmented Soul field, you’re driving with a foggy windshield. You think you can see…but it isn’t until you clear the fog (reunify the Soul) that you realize how much easier it is to drive. 
Another question that often comes up is, “Is this going against God?” The short answer: This will strengthen your understanding and connection to God or your Higher Power. 
Long answers can absolutely be discussed in person. 
Some people are ready for this NOW. Some people might feel called to this, but get to do some exploring of other healing modalities to prepare the physical and energetic bodies. There is no rush. This is not something that is forced. It will be right and feel right when the time is right. 
Have you ever felt or said: 
·       I’m stuck
·       I’m scattered. 
·       I’m not grounded. 
·       That person drained me. 
·       Large crowds are overwhelming- I take on all those people’s energies. 
·       I’m an empath, HSP, starseed, or lightworker.
·       I’m not on this planet, my head is in the clouds. 
·       I’m not myself. 
·       I’m deeply impacted by the weather or my environment. 
·       I feel like I’m living in a video game or a movie. 
·       Have you ever had a traumatic life event that you haven’t quite recovered from? 
·       Do you feel grossly or unhealthily tied to your loved ones, parents, children or partner?
·       Have you needed to take hours or days to recover after being around people or large groups?
·       Are you a leader, healer, care-giver, or space-holder and want to better serve those you help? 
 Yes answers might indicate that you are sensitive to energy or that a piece of your Soul energy is no longer with you. Do you FEEL the resonance of this article? Do you feel the energy behind these words calling to you? 

 You Are Your Own Spiritual Guru:

Whole Presence QSR allows you to retrieve, reunify, and integrate your Soul energy. This four-hour session is a journey through all time, space and dimensions to retrieve 100% of your Soul fragments that have been lost, given or taken away. Once these pieces are reclaimed you’ll be guided to integrate and anchor the expansion of your Soul with your human parts. You then have a new baseline, therefore new tools to work with your new conscious awareness.   
Whole Presence QSR uses traditional shamanic energy principals to gather and unify the energetic self. Traditionally, a shaman would journey with you and retrieve your Soul energy. Here’s how this is different. YOU are empowered to retrieve your own Soul energy. With this process, it is YOU & YOUR SOUL reclaiming it’s missing pieces. 
The facilitator is like an interdimensional cosmic tour guide, directing, guiding and empowering you through the process. The journey can be flexible or adjusted based on what is needed for you. We co-create the experience with your learning styles and belief systems. 

Life With a Unified Whole Presence Soul Field:

Whole Presence QSR empowers you to be all that you are. The knowingness and innate understanding that comes with a unified Soul field is esoteric and doesn’t translate fully into words. It can be felt and experienced. 
The integrity of the unified and embodied Soul brings inner strength and balance. It demands alignment, restoring harmony and peace in your daily life. The experience is one of self-discovery and renewal and also initiates a greater clarity and increased focus to create whatever you choose to manifest.
Because your Soul energy is no longer fragmented, you become capable of easily and quickly going beyond any restricting, distorted, and outdated beliefs or thoughts.  Emotions that arise may be experienced, processed, and released. Subtle and profound shifts in all areas of life may occur as you fall in sync to your balance with the ebb and flow of the universe. 
Your relationships to family, friends, strangers, nature and all living things can become that of a heart-centered understanding versus soul-energy exchange. 
Imagine having access to the knowledge and power from countless lifetimes and soul experiences. Take a moment, tap in and imagine feeling the synergy and divinity of your Soul and it’s connection to all that is. Know that the feeling of being whole, embodied, and fully present as a human can be your lived experience. 
You are an integral part of humanities evolution of consciousness. Your inner work and personal evolution is vital. Whole Presence QSR and your own Soul embodiment will assist you and strengthen your inherent knowingness, resilience and authenticity. 
It is through our individual conscious expansion and reclamation of our inherent power that secures a peaceful and harmonious future. 

*The process of Whole Presence Quantum Soul Retrieval was created by el Herington of Whole Presence Global. This article has been modified and adapted by Jennifer Wagner (Walch.) Read el’s description of this process.


Understanding Empaths and HSPs


Soul Retrieval for Empaths in the New Age